Photo album of pictures posted on Reddit in 2012


Canadian soldiers carrying a casket.

Reddit Cakeday Photodump – Imgur.

This photo album was posted by user “SlackingAlready” on Reddit. I believe it is just pictures the author had found during the year of 2012, because I have seen some of these photos before. Don’t really have too much to say on the whole thing, but these photos ares imply awesome. It’s just amazing how beautiful and ugly our world can be at the same time.

Media Ecology in our World

Media ecology has been around for a while, but I believe it has been given a huge breath of air due to the influx of social media websites. Not everyone reads a newspaper or website to get news, and if you’re like me, and are addicted to my social sites, you probably get a lot of your news from Facebook and Twitter.

For example, if something is happening in our world, it will most likely be a trending topic. During the Fall semester, University of Texas at Austin and NDSU were subjects to bomb threats, and I didn’t have class that day so I slept in a little later than usual. When I woke up, though, everyone was talking about these bomb threats and I realized it was probably just more safe to stay in bed for a couple more hours. This is the great thing about social media, is that if there is news of any sort, people are bound to be talking about it on websites. Facebook isn’t always the best medium for this, because you usually only get a type of news from a select audience, but I believe Twitter is perfect for this, because you can see Trending Topics or search certain topics and people will for sure be talking about them.

Another thing I see in daily life with social media, is when I am watching TV. Every TV show you watch now has a “#hashtag” down in the bottom, because they want people talking about their show so that it gets more people interested. Also, some shows will show the stuff that you’re saying onto their program. Also, businesses are starting to use social media sites more and more. One time I went to a sandwich shop, and they said if I checked in on foursquare or tweeted about them I could get a free side. There really is no end to the madness of social media in our world and it is starting to take over our world.

PS: Didn’t Mansfield say to not link all of your social sites together and post the same statuses, because each one has a distinct audience! 😉


I really didn’t know how to talk about my kind of style in a organization way of thinking, so I looked up a blog post by Jason Falls on Social Media Explorer. He discusses the use of Twitter as a marketing tool and the different “voices” people or organizations can use it. Personally, I see myself using a conversationalist tone. In Facebook, Twitter, Texting, Blogs, or even in journal posts I have had to post for school. Yes, there are times to post that update about your organization and only make it informational, but a lot of people use Social Media for a more laid back appeal.

Personally, if you look at my tweets, you will notice that they are stupid thoughts or posts I have to my friends. This is the same way I have used Facebook and other social media sites. One of the main things I can do, is get people to notice things through humor, so I try and use that strength for a conversation started, and then hopefully get people hooked to a certain site through that. Also, my friends and I manage another Twitter account where we will keep the tone very conversational, but then will add a post about what we have added to our certain website just so people can keep updated, because they are mostly following our social media outlets for updates on our information.

I believe Conversational and Conversational Marketer are the two best ways to reach out, while utilizing a minimal part of the Broadcaster idea. No one will follow a Broadcaster unless it is a CNN or some type of news outlet, because they want to feel like they’re talking to someone other than just a robot who posts links. Or at least I do.

Who do I want to be on the internet?

The question seemed somewhat broad, but I hope I can answer it in the best way.

When I look at my history of who I was on the internet, it was usually just someone who used this as a tool to stay in touch with family and friends while also meeting new people through social media and games. Lately though, I am starting to see that the internet is a way more useful tool, especially in the business world.

One of the biggest things I look at when dealing with social media and the internet in general, is how useful it can be when dealing with businesses and organizations. For example, I look at businesses like Warby Parker, who use their Twitter and Facebook accounts for customer service outlets. ( This is one reason why I want to learn more about social media, because me and my friends have been thinking about business ideas and realize the importance of social media in the future as a viable way to reach out to customers.

If you look at how Warby Parker, an eyeglasses manufacturer, uses their social media accounts, it is impeccable. I’m not completely sure on what their method is, but by the looks of it, through Twitter they will just search their name “Warby Parker”, and if anyone has a question on any of their products, they’ll have one of their interns managing their account send a tweet(s) to the person asking. This is actually how I found out more about them, because I felt like they were reaching out to me, instead of me having to go out and look for them. Also, one thing that that Mansfield discusses in Chapter One of “Social Media for Social Good” is that you have to be personal. Being personal with who you are trying to interact with makes it seem like you are talking to a real person or friend instead of just a computer on the internet.

Personally, there are a lot of things I wanted to use the internet with, especially with social media. After experiencing with it for years now, I finally see that it is more than just connecting with friends, but it can also be used for connecting with customers or donators, in a friendly manner.

Social Media websites I have wasted my life with…

Hello fellow Electronic Communication 457 people. What’s up? Enough about you, let’s talk about me.

Computer’s have always been a part of my life because being a child of the butt end of the 80’s, I have learned what it has felt like to be computer dependent, especially growing up in a house that had a blocky, ugly Macintosh computer when I was about 4. I can’t remember how old I was when I got my first website, but I remember still having to connect to the phone line to be able to check it, and this website, I believe, was “”. I am not totally sure, because it has been forever, but it was a service where you could make basic HTML websites and you could link your friends or other cool websites that you found. Mine, I remember, was mostly a website that was linked to sites that helped you find HTML coding help and friends that I had met. During this time, I felt that it was very limited to what you could accomplish, so I decided to open a Geocities website. The problem, though, I was the only real big nerd out of all my friends so I couldn’t get them to make the switch over to Geocities and that website quickly died out. I believe the first time I actually took social media completely serious was in middle school. During this time, I had a xanga page and a Myspace page. Last time I checked both of these pages are still up, but I don’t use them anymore. Xanga was what a lot of the kids in my city used (Bismarck) and so we could all write about our days and people would comment on this. Myspace was more of the place where I would write comments on girl’s pages I had no chance with and where I could find out about bands and music shows in the area. I’ve also used websites like Tumblr, Dailybooth,, and others that I can’t think of right now.

Right now there are two major websites that are brought up whenever anybody mentions social media. These, obviously, are Facebook and Twitter. According to Facebook, I have been using it since December 9, 2006. Lately I haven’t been using Facebook as much and would probably delete it if I wouldn’t lose contact with all of the people I met while living in Seoul, South Korea. I guess for now I will keep it, until they make me mad. Feel free to add me at if you would like. I don’t really post much except for pictures I get caught in when out with friends. I started using Twitter in 2007 or 2008. Since then, I have deleted it and brought it back multiple times, but now it is the site I use the most. For some reason the concept of “micro-blogging” is very appealing to me, because I don’t have to put a lot of work into what I am going to say.  I have multiple Twitter accounts that I manage at the moment, but you can follow my personal at I apologize in advance, though, because I have a pretty crude humor and it might come out in some of my tweets, but I will try to tone it down from now on!

Those are the main sites I use at the moment. I have Google+ and LinkedIn accounts too, but I don’t ever check them, because Google+ is a barren wasteland (but I will use it for this class) and I haven’t tested the LinkedIn waters yet.

Well, here is the breakdown of my social media history and I look forward to this class!